The WAAD AL TAQA Company, one of our subsidiary companies provides energy systems, generators, pumps and remote-control systems services through experts, engineers and a qualified technical team.
The SGAF Trading Company, one of the subsidiary companies of RAII, is specialized in trade and supply chain (Logistic) since 2008 which make it one of the leading companies in this field.
Al Rajhi for Agricultural Management Services “RAMC”, is a Farm Management Services Company and one of the subsidiary companies to RAII, the main objectives are to extend professional farm management services for our projects in Sudan and Egypt.
AL Rajhi Agriculture and Infrastructure Company (RAIC) is one of the subsidiaries companies of RAII, includes a distinguished team of consultants and experts to implement engineering & water and agricultural infrastructure works with the latest equipment and technologies.
The Al-Rajhi Agriculture Company (CLONE) specialized in tissueculture managed by professional specialists and experts' staff inpalm tissue cultivation in the world.
The Africa Development Company one of the subsidiary companies of RAII specialized in livestock including fattening projects, feeding projects … etc.
TALBERT PIVOTS Company is one of our subsidiary companies specialized in manufacturing of Centre pivots with international standard and conform to high performance and durability.